All New Corolla Altis

Harga Toyota New Corolla Altis

1.8 G M/T – IDR. 486.550.000

1.8 V A/T – IDR. 508.150.000

NEW G A/T – IDR. 486.550.000

NEW V A/T – IDR. 508.150.000

NEW HYBRID A/T – IDR. 586.250.000

Harga tidak mengikat, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu.

All-New Corolla Altis combines prestige with passion that brings head-turning on every turn. A combination of pleasant driving experience.

Ride peacefully with spacious elegant interior that gives pleasure with dynamic yet comfortable feeling.

The Toyota Corolla Altis carries state-of-the-art safety technology and designed to help you keep alert and safe.

The improved car’s core strength components enhance the vehicle performance and emphasize car personality that accentuates every model unique features


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