New Yaris

Harga Toyota New Yaris

G M/T 3 AB – IDR. 263.400.000

G M/T 7 AB – IDR. 268.400.000

G CVT 3 AB – IDR. 274.200.000

G CVT 7 AB – IDR. 279.200.000

TRD M/T 3 AB – IDR. 284.800.000

TRD M/T 7 AB – IDR. 289.800.000

TRD CVT 3 AB – IDR. 296.400.000

TRD CVT 7 AB – IDR. 301.400.000

Harga tidak mengikat, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu

Steal the attention by bringing more energy to your lifestyle.

New modern and sophisticated technology on every corners. It’s what on the inside that counts!

Maximum safety for every passenger to provide total peace of mind and excitement in every journey.

Toyota Genuine Accessories, Show Your Style.


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